Start Your Own Monthly Or Annual Magazine Program And Make 100% Passive Income Selling These As Your Own!
No Content Creation. No Design And Formatting To Do.
- 12 Internet Marketing issues with 380+ pages of quality content
- Professional Graphics and Magazine-style format
- Ready-to-go Sales Page and Marketing Materials
- Get the Private Label Rights and make recurring income with this as early as today
From Edmund Loh
RE: Your Own Recurring Income...
Dear Friend,
If you're going to sell anything online, you need to add a recurring element as early as possible. And what better way than to have Customers join a recurring subscription of some kind with you?
Think about it. To get a Customer to come back and buy from you again will require effort. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but wouldn't it be smarter and easier if your Customer is enrolled into a monthly membership or monthly program?
That way, you only need to do the selling ONCE. And your Customer pays you - over and over again - every month...
Let's say you charge a small $10 fee. Isn't that achievable? Sure is, even if you are a newbie or you don't consider yourself a super guru.
And let's say you enroll in 100 members paying you $10 a month. That's $1,000 in passive income.
You worked for this ONLY ONCE - and the members pay you every single month - for as long as they stay.
How would you like to start the month with $1,000 already in your pocket... before you even start working?
I know $1,000 isn't a big amount but getting 100 members is more achievable, and an extra grand can help most people at least pay their bills on time or save a bit.
Now imagine you scale this to 500 or 1,000 members... and you make an extra $5,000... $10,000....
Every single month.
Remember: this is RECURRING. This is PASSIVE!
"Brilliant Idea! But It Takes A Lot Of Hard Work To Run A Monthly Subscription!"
I totally get you.
Along with the rewards of having a recurring offer, there is another reality to confront...
You need to come up with at least some content in advance. Then...
You need to come up with new content every single month.
You need to keep this up whether you have 1,000 members or 10 members.
If you work alone, all these derails you from focusing on what matters most, which is marketing!
Speaking of marketing...
You need to write your sales copy.
You need to prepare your marketing materials.
You also need to pay some attention to your product design, so your members can feel their money's worth.
That's A Lot Of Work Before You Even Get Started...
Because if it's so easy, why aren't more people doing it?
Because if you could have done it, you would have already done it, right?
That's why I had struggled with creating a recurring offer for years. I continued only because I was convinced of the rewards in the end. Had I given up half way, I wouldn't be around to tell you about this!
Most importantly, I wouldn't have been able to come back to help you cross the bridge with an EASIER solution...
How To Succeed With Recurring Income...
I failed in my first two attempts, and succeeded on the third try. Here are my takeaway lessons from starting your own recurring offers...
1. Charge Affordably.
I find it is easier to have a low-cost continuity program along the lines of $10 per month compared to charging $47-$97 per month.
While yes, you can be successful in charging prices like $47-$97 per month, usually at these prices your Members expect high-end, premium content or software service.
But what if you're not providing Software as a Service? What if your Members decide one day after looking at his latest credit card statement, and the $97 charge should be cancelled?
However when you charge prices like $10 per month, not only your Members are more inclined to stay much longer, the pressure to over-deliver and over-impress your Members is less (it's a lot easier to make it your Member's money's worth)
Also it's easier mass enroll existing and new Customers into your new monthly program or membership or paid newsletter at $10 per month vs $47-$97 per month these days.
2. Go Fixed Term.
This is the solution to the question "Am I doomed to keep creating new stuff forever, even if I have only a measly few paid members?"
Simple. You go Fixed Term.
"Erm... What is Fixed Term?" you ask.
You see, most memberships or recurring offers out there bill forever. Again, you can justify this is if you are running a Software as a Service business, or you are already committed to creating new Content forever.
But what if right off the bat, you already declare that your membership has a limit to the terms?
It can run for as long as 12 months... 24 months... 36 months... it's up to you.
And by the time the term is up, your Member ends his subscription.
Truth is, people rarely stay on forever. In fact, I heard some marketers say it's considered good if someone is willing to stay for just 3 months nowadays!
But when I implemented this, I found more than half of my members - 69% retention in fact - stayed subscribed and paid every month throughout the entire fixed term.
How cool is that?
Would you rather have your Customer pay you only once? Or pay you every month for the next 12 months?
Of course, you'd choose the latter. Who in their right mind wouldn't?
Now I'm not against on-going billing, that is nice to have but only if you can justify the monthly charge and continue delivering.
That's why if you already announce from the beginning that your membership lasts 12 months, for example, you only need to create content for that 12 months.
And if you want to have a longer subscription? No pressure, you can add more content later and announce a second option for 24 months, for instance!
All The Good Stuff Told, There Is One More Problem Not Addressed: Content Creation.
You still need to come up with a few month's worth of content in advance before you begin, and that's why most people don't even get started.
If you've always wanted to have your own recurring offer that brings in residual income...
If you've tried in the past and failed like I did...
If you want to bypass all the frustrating hurdles to have your own monthly offer and get recurring income...
Then with your permission...
Introducing The Private Label Magazines

My team and I had created a collection of Internet Marketing Magazines with enough content to last you a full year! With 12 ready-to-go issues, you can rebrand this as your own, sell your own subscription and keep ALL the sales you make.
This is not your run-by-the-mill, slap-it-together-and-sell stuff. Heck, let me show you...
As you can see, we've put in a Level 10 effort to make sure this is not only top notch, but this is also SELLABLE for you.
Let's Take A Detailed Look...
Component #1: 12 Month Magazine Issue In Word And PDF

You're looking at a total of whopping 380+ pages of premium content but there's more to it...
My in-house team took liberty to format them nicely and professionally -- as you would expect from reading a first class magazine.
You can use the Magazines as-is, although with the Word document you can edit as well!
With this you can charge your own monthly or annual fee - at any price you want!
And say you want to use some of the content to form smaller, free newsletters... I've also had the magazine issues 'sliced' into individual sections for your convenience.
(These Magazine Content Are Valued At $3,600 If You Outsource Or Hire Someone Else To Do It)
Component #2: Graphic Files To All The Covers

As you can see, each Magazine cover comes with its own unique set of Graphics.
You get the PSD files to all of them, so if you're feeling a little creative you can edit and customize any of them in Photoshop or GIMP!
(These Graphics Are Valued At $2,400 If You Outsource Or Hire Someone Else To Do It)
Component #3: Ready-To-Go Sales Copy and Thank You Page

To get you in business with your own monthly magazine program a.s.a.p. I've also prepared a sales copy and thank you page you can use right away.
Just swap in your own name or pen name, put your subscription buy button in, upload to your web host... and you're ready to get members!
(The Sales Copy Is Worth At Least $500)
Component #4: Follow-Up Email Sequence (12 emails)

You're going to need to send your members an email every time your new issue is out.
I've saved you the trouble by writing them all for you -- all you need to do is add your own links to the magazine PDF downloads, and put them into a monthly interval sequence on your autoresponder... and your fixed term monthly magazine is on autopilot!
This is as set-it-and-forget-it as it can get. Once you've done this, you don't have to revisit this again -- just as I've set mine up years ago and still collect payments to this day.
(The Email Series Is Worth $120 Total)
Component #5: Banner Ads x 4

To help with promoting your new paid magazine or newsletter program, you get this banner ad series to put on your thank you pages, members area, blogs, etc.
(The Banner Ads Can Cost $100 And Above If Outsourced)
Component #6: Promotion Emails x 4

You also get these emails to promote the offer directly to your list, or pass on to your affiliates for them to swipe and use to promote YOUR newsletter for a recurring commission!
(I'd Charge At Least $25 Per Email On This)
Component #7: The PLR License

Ultimately, you get the Private Label Rights to it all. With this license, you can retitle the magazines, put your name as the author, edit the contents, put in your affiliate links or links to your own products, and more...
(Individual Private Label Rights License Can Sell For $497 And Above...)
How You Can Make Money With This...
These are just some ideas on what you can do with the Private Label Magazines... and a lot more!
Make Money Next Month Next Week Tomorrow Today.
All the business owners I know invest heavily into starting their own recurring offers. Personally, I had spent thousands of dollars EACH on content for my recurring offers - including those that failed.
So if you spent $5,000 to start your own monthly / annual subscription offer, and you charge $10 per month, you need to have 500 members or 100 members staying for 5 months for you to break even.
Not too shabby.
But I'll do you better.
When You Get The Private Label Rights To These Marketing Magazines Today...
Content creation? Done for you.
Formatting? Done for you.
Graphic design? Done for you.
Sales and marketing materials? Done for you.
And the investment?
Not $5,000.
Not $500.
Not $100 even.
But $19.75 - One Time.
And you can charge recurring with these. Or start your own newsletter ring and build a quality, hyper responsive list of subscribers.
At just $19.75, you only need to find 1 or a couple members and this pays itself just like that. Every sale after that is PURE PROFIT.

Get Instant Access To Market Storm Private Label Magazines
Act Today And Get These Fast Action Bonuses
Fast Action Bonus #1

Fast Action Bonus #2

Fast Action Bonus #3

Edmund Loh
Q & A
Do you have more content beyond this that I can use or integrate to my monthly membership?
Yes. After you make your purchase, there is an optional upgrade that lets you get another 24 more months worth of content.
How do I deliver these Magazines to my Members?
We provide you the follow-up email series. Just schedule them into your autoresponder and set it for MONTHLY (or 30 day) interval.
Can I rename the Magazines?
Yes, of course!
Can I leave the Magazines alone and sell as-is?
Yes, you can. Though of course, you are better off taking full advantage of the rights to edit and customize it as yours.
Can I give them away to build my list?
Yes, you can. Though it is advisable to give only parts of the Magazines. For this, we had already split up the Contents of each Magazine for your convenience.
How do I edit the Magazine content?
With MS Word.
What about the Graphics?
Edit the PSD files in Photoshop or GIMP.

60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
I want to make sure this offer actually works for you so tell you what, I’m going to give you a full 60 days from now to use this risk free. If this doesn’t meet your strict expectations, just contact my support helpdesk, let us know and we’ll buy it back from you. You have nothing to lose.
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